Who Are You To Compare Yourself To Martha Ankomah? Fans Make Lilwin Seem Too Self-Aggrandizing And pompous


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Kwadwo Nkansah Lilwin, a prominent figure in Kumawood films, has faced harsh criticism for disparaging his colleague Martha Ankamah.

A few days prior, Lilwin insulted Martha Ankomah in a bizarre video, severely harming her reputation.

Lilwin said Martha Ankomah was impoverished, haughty, and rude.

He continued by saying that the actress is not well-liked and that the worst actor in Kumawood is superior to her.

Additionally, he mentioned that Martha Ankomah would likely go hungry if it weren’t for GTP, which has chosen her to represent their business.

After Martha Ankomah allegedly declined a film deal from an unidentified Kumawood producer, Lilwin attacked her.

Lilwin claims that Martha Ankomah refused to participate in the film, stating that it lacked logic.

Lilwin has been sued for defamation by Martha Ankomah after he insulted her.

As fans respond to it, it has brought up the entire incident again for discussion.

Lilwin is being reprimanded for demeaning Martha Ankomah and damaging her reputation.

Social media users disclose that Lilwin had to show respect for Martha Ankomah because she is his senior in the film profession.

In addition, admirers think Martha Ankomah and Lilwin are not on the same level, as the former is a sophisticated, well-mannered actress and the latter is snobbish, conceited, and haughty.

Check out the video below by clicking on the link below.
